Waterton Pre-Schools are governed by a board of Trustees. The Trustees are appointed by the Member, Waterton Academy Trust. They meet termly to set and monitor the strategic and business direction of the organisation and scrutinise its performance ensuring strong corporate governance and challenging the Pre-Schools on delivery against the DFE’s and the organisation’s priorities.
As per the Articles of Association for Waterton Pre Schools, the Trust Board shall consist of not less than 5 Trustees and will be made up as follows;
- At least 3 Trustees of Waterton Academy Trust (Member-Appointed Trustees)
- At least 2 other individuals (who must not be Trustees of Waterton Academy Trust) will be appointed by the Member-Appointed Trustees.
Trustees shall not be entitled to act as a Trustee of the PSTB until they have signed a declaration.
Total number of Trustees of the PSTB who are also Trustees of Waterton Academy Trust should be the majority of the Board.
Trustees will be appointed for a maximum of four years; this term is renewable, subject to continued eligibility to take up the position.

Keeping in Touch
The website is a good way of keeping up to date with all aspects of our Waterton Pre-Schools. If you have a concern or a point of view to share, please come and speak to us. We are contactable from the Contact Us page and are happy to discuss any issues or ideas you may have. There are lots of ways of sharing your views with us. As some of our Committee Members are also parents of children at Pre-School, we can often be found at Pre-School at the beginning and end of the day. We will also be arranging specific opportunities and times throughout the school year to hear from you and keep in touch. Alternatively, you can always drop us an e-mail to and we will get in touch with you.

Becoming a Trustee or Committee Member
Being a trust board member or a committee member is an important role but you do not need to have any particular skills, knowledge or experience. What you do need to bring is a commitment to our Pre-Schools, the ability to work with others, a willingness to learn, a commitment to working openly and democratically and most importantly, enthusiasm . Trustees and committee members are a team, not a collection of individuals or groups with separate agendas. However much we may differ in our opinions and experiences we are united by our commitment to the Pre-School organisation and the responsibility we share for its long-term success. In short, we have a common purpose.